Vivian Phillips Husband, PhD, CPCU

VP Customer Experience and Shared Services Executive - Blue Shield of California

Dr. Phillips Husband is a customer satisfaction researcher and practitioner. In her role at Blue Shield of California, she applies her experience of understanding the emotional and social factors that influence customers’ decision-making regarding quality-of-life products such as health insurance. Her 30 years of expertise as a customer service professional, leading change with high-performing teams have allowed her to manage constant change that remains responsive to customer expectations.

Dr. Phillips Husband is also a Professor of Practice in the Masters of Science in Customer Experience Management program where she serves as Fixed Term Faculty for the Organizational Development and Change course. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science from California State Polytechnic University-Pomona and a Master of Science in Management from Antioch University Seattle. She also holds a Ph.D. in Management from Walden University.

Speaker 2024

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